Jan 20, 2024 | Latest

Keep Calm and Carry On Reading

By Haybag Maddie

It all feels a bit unreal today. After what feels like months and months of work, the Haybag Maddie website is about to go live! It’s been quite a journey to be honest, and for someone who is far happier with a paintbrush than a keyboard I’ve had to learn a lot about all the ingredients that go into making  what I hope (!) will be a good website.

As part of the new website Lee and I are launching The Haybag Maddie Blog too, where we’ll be sharing our ongoing adventures as we travel around the UK and the world, collecting, commemorating, researching, re-enacting and of course creating artworks that I hope you enjoy.

We both hope that you’ll join us on the journey as we build Haybag Maddie and we’d be absolutely thrilled to meet you in person at any of the events we’re attending. We’d love to connect with you on Facebook, Instagram and soon TikTok as well, where you can follow our exploits, and you can also sign up to our newsletter by using the form below.

So, I guess it’s time to Keep Calm and Carry On – take a deep breath, hold hands, and press the button!

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Haybag Maddie and Mr Gibbs would love to connect with you on Instagram, Facebook and soon on TikTok too.

Use the buttons below to follow us and share our journey in love and war!

If you know anyone who would love some custom handpainted art then that’s even better!

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